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Helen Adams Realty

I am currently employed as a graphic designer for the legendary real estate firm, Helen Adams Realty. My responsibilities include supporting the diamond and platinum-level agents by providing them with one-on-one marketing consulting, personalized design materials, social media management, and more. I also provide corporate-level designs for the firm such as magazine ads and internal marketing materials. My most memorable project was the redesign of all company templates which are used company wide for agent and listing marketing. Samples of these refreshed templates1 can be found at the bottom of this page!

Print Marketing
Direct mailers, newsletters, brochures, etc.

Highgate Auto Flow Postcard_Nov_Page_1.jpg
Park Crossing 2021 Yearly Review Fold Over Postcard_Page_2.png
Newsletter front.png
Newsletter inside.png
FEB 2023 - Neighborhood Mailer - v3_Page_1.png
GPG Trifold_With Abby_update_Page_2.png
GPG Trifold_With Abby_update_Page_1.png
Highgate Auto Flow Postcard_Mar_Page_1.jpg

Email Marketing

E Newsletter - May 2023 - 1300.jpg
HAR Insider.jpg
409Queens Launch Party Invite - 600.jpg

Company Templates

Property brochures, flyers, social images, business cards, postcards, stationery, company newsletter, and more

Property and Design Options_blog reveal.png

Magazine Ads

4. MAY - FACES.jpg
CLT MAG - MAR 24 Print Ad - Helen.jpg
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